
Path Finder
The Lane
Oxon OX15 0QT

Mark Anthony Said CF11,
Island Microlight Club (Malta),
291 Ferdinand Grech Street,
Pembroke STJ 07,

Enclosed herewith as promised are some comments on your flying regulations document and my apologies for not responding sooner.

To make sure the review was carried out thoroughly for you I also requested Julian Doswell, Vice Chairman of the Panel of Examiners of Instructors, and Ray Wilkinson who is the BMAA Chief Inspector to make their comments.

I hope you think we have all been fair - in fact everyone thought it was a very good document - so well done!

May I take this opportunity to accept formally your very kind invitation that I be Patron of your club. I really do feel very honoured to be associated with a country whose history during my lifetime in the 1940s displayed such great bravery and heroism.

Thank you very much indeed - as one becomes older it is very heartening to be remembered. It was not an easy job over twenty years to make microlights respected in the UK but coupled with World War II involvement it has been the most exciting time of my life. My very best wishes to you all.


Very Sincerely,

Brian Cosgrove MBE FRMetS