Trial Flight
One Day Course
Airman's Badge
Private Pilot's License (Microlights)



    TRIAL FLIGHT LESSONS on the Club�s New �three axis� Thruster T600N Sprint aircraft of 20 minutes, 30 minutes or 1 hour duration, whereas the prospective student gets first hands-on experience and a closer insight into what  Microlight Flying is all about.

     Lm20 (30 minutes) or Lm40 (60 minutes) *


Key Benefits

  • A great way to see if you are up to microlight flying!
  • Nice way of touring the Maltese Islands.
  • Unique vantage point for aerial photography.


We are not responsible if you get addicted to flying!



* All prices are due to be adjusted shortly due to various cost increases without prior notice 






The One Day Introductory Course

The objective of the one day introductory course is to give people an opportunity to make their dream of flight a reality.

Key Benefits

  • See if you are up to microlight flying
  • You learn the basics of microlight flying
  • A flight in the microlight at the end of the lesson

The syllabus of this course is very flexible in order to cater for the needs of the many different types of people with varying amounts of aviation knowledge that attend our courses, and the subjects will be taken from among the following:

  •       Standing Operating Procedures

  •       Introduction to Aircraft

  •       Explanation of controls

  •       Daily Inspections

  •       Ground Handling and safety precautions

  •       Pre-flight inspections

  •       Principles of flight

  •       Basic Air law

  •       Meteorology

  •       Navigation

  •       Discussion on microlights

  •       The BMAA and what it does for you

  •       Free ten minute Air Experience Flight (weather     permitting).


       The course commences at 0930 hrs to  1400 hrs.

       The cost of the day course is LM 15. *

        Bring along a packed lunch.

        You will also be given a certificate to mark your first flight.


* All prices are due to be adjusted shortly due to various cost increases without prior notice 




  Airman's Badge

A great way for a group of adventurers to get up into the air,  and learn the basics of flying.

Key Benefits

  • Hands on experience flight
  • You learn how and why aircraft fly

The Airman's Badge is mainly aimed for a group of adventurers such as Scouts. Read what Carmel Mangani, and the Tarxien Scout Group had to say about the course by clicking on the picture:

The First Scout Group to obtain the Airman's Badge





Private Pilot's License (Aeroplanes) Microlight course:


Key Benefits

  • Microlight Flying is a growing sport industry
  • Low running costs
  • Fewer requirements


The microlight used for training, a Thruster T600N Sprint, powered by a Jabiru A2200 4-stroke engine.



     Restricted (Requires a minimum of 15 Flight Training Hours plus ground 60 hour ground school) Lm 1025.00 (cash) or Lm1250 in four installments * - ALL INCLUSIVE (except Medical examination) - NO HIDDEN EXTRAS. 

The entire package contains: 

       Club membership and insurance;

       Ground school lessons (according to course requirements) - BMAA Syllabus;

       The Microlight Pilot�s Handbook by our Club Patron, Brian Cosgrove. 

       Ground examinations  UK CAA ;

       General Flight Test with a UK BMAA Flight Examiner (you must be 17);


Methods of payment:

You can either:

       Pay the course in full on application or

       Lm 400 deposit 
       Lm 300 before the first five hours
       Lm 300 before the second five hours 
       Lm 250 before the last five hours

Simply call the club and book your training flight. No HIDDEN EXTRAS except that you must present a Medical certificate before course commences - free club guidance is offered and the Medical Exam  cost around Lm20.00. At the end of your course, the club will send your Medical certificate, log book, ground and flight examinations result, and application form with applicable fee (Included with each course price above) to the UK Civil Aviation Authority for the eventual issue of your Pilot License.  

If you own a microlight and want to use it for your flight training - no problem. Course fees are obviously much less. Ask for more details.

The training syllabus includes:

Principles of Flight
Aviation Law
Air Traffic Rules and Services
Airframes and Engines
Aircraft Instruments
Fire, First Aid and safety equipment
Human Performance Limitations
Air Navigation
Aviation Meteorology



* All prices are due to be adjusted shortly due to various cost increases without prior notice