The atmosphere is divided into two regions, the upper one is called:
- The stratosphere
- The troposphere
- The spectresphere
- The heliopause
The atmosphere is divided into two regions. The dividing line between them is called:
- The hemisphere
- The tropopause
- The stratosphere
- The spectresphere
The region in which nearly all weather occurs is called:
- The stratosphere
- The tropopause
- The troposphere
- The hemisphere
- Increases with altitude
- Decreases with altitude
- Remains constant with altitude
Pressure is measured in:
- Grammes per cubic metre
- Millibars
- Hectopastilles
- Knots
Lines joining places of equal atmospheric pressure are called:
- Millibars
- Isobars
- Pressurebars
- Lines of lattitude
A chart of lines joining places of equal atmospheric pressure is called:
- An isochart
- A baratic chart
- A pressure map
- A flight plan
An area of high pressure is called:
- An anticyclone
- A cyclone
- A highclone
- A traffic cone
A Col is:
- An area of high pressure
- An area between high and low pressures
- An area of low pressure
- An area of zero pressure
An aircraft altimeter is a _________ type of barometer.
- Haemorrhoid
- Aneroid
- Mercury
- Hyperbolic
1 millibar represents changes in altitude of:
- 300 feet
- 20 feet
- 30 feet
- 1000 feet
If you stand with your back to the wind where is the low pressure?
- To your right
- Ahead of you
- To your left
Which gives the driest weather?
- Low pressure
- A Col
- High pressure
High pressure is:
- Rising air
- Static air
- Sinking air
- Hot air
Density is defined as:
- The mass of a given volume of air
- The force per unit exerted by the weight of the atmosphere
- The volume co-efficient
- The temperature of the air at sea level
The prefix "nimbus" means:
- Large
- Black
- Rain
- Happy
The prefix "alto" means:
- High level cloud
- Medium size
- Medium level cloud
- Ground level cloud
A thunderstorm is:
- A cumulus cloud
- A nimbo stratus cloud
- A cumulonimbus cloud
Pilots are advised to keep at least _____ miles from a thunderstorm cloud.
- 5
- 10
- 20
- 100
A Fohn wind:
- Produces a cold wind on the lee side of the mountain
- Produces a warm wind on the lee side of the mountain
- Is a sea breeze effect
Lenticular clouds mark:
- Severe turbulence
- Cold front approaching
- Mountain wave
Cold fronts produce mainly
- Cumiloform clouds
- Stratus clouds
- Cirrus clouds
The first cloud of an approaching warm fronts is:
- Cumulus
- Stratus
- Cirrus
The chart symbol of a cold symbol is a series of
- Triangles
- Squares
- Semicircles
- Asterisks
As a cold front passes:
- Wind veers, temperature rises, dewpoint drops
- Wind veers, temperature falls, dewpoint drops
- Wind veers, pressure drops, temperature rises
At the passage of a cold front you would expect:
- Severe turbulence
- Low stratus and poor visibility
- Smooth clear conditions
As a warm front passes:
- Wind backs, temperature and dewpoint rise
- Wind veers, temperature and dewpoint rise
- Wind veers, temperature rises, dewpoint falls
At the passage of a warm front you would expect:
- Severe turbulence
- Low stratus and poor visibility
- Smooth clear conditions
How far ahead of a warm front would you see the first associated clouds?
- 50 miles
- 500 miles
- 200 miles
- 2 miles
An occluded front is where:
- The warm front catches up with the cold front
- The frontal system as a whole stops moving
- The cold front catches up with the warm front
- The frontal system inverts itself and spends the rest of the day sulking about miserably
The symbol for an occluded front is:
- triangles
- triangles and squares
- Triangles and semicircles
- Dashes
The prime danger associated with occluded fronts is:
- Strong winds
- Embedded cumulonimbus clouds
- Sudden poor visibility
- A severe lack of interest to get any work done
A cold occlusion is where:
- The cold front undercuts
- The cold front rides up over the colder air behind the warm front
- The occluding process occurs above 54 degrees latitude
Clear ice occurs when:
- Large supercooled water droplets are present
- Small supercooled water droplets are present
- The airframe is cooled due to radiation at night
- The sun comes out on a snowy day
Hoar frost is an example of:
- Adiabatic cooling
- Direct sublimation
- Ice formed by freezing water droplets
- Should be removed completely before flight
- Will decrease the minimum sustainable flying speed
- May cause the aircraft structure to become brittle and fail as low as 2 G
Carburettor ice is formed
- By the adiabatic temperature loss of air flowing through the venturi
- By the adiabatic temperature loss of air flowing through the venturi and the evaporation temperature loss coupled with high humidity
- When ever flying through cloud
- Only when the temperature is felt to be cold enough to warrant wearing a sweater or jacket, regardless of humidity levels
(Choose the best answer)
The temperature range within which carburettor ice is possible is:
- -10 to +15 deg C
- At any time if the temperature is below 10 deg C
- -6 to +25 (or even higher) degrees C
Carburettor ice is most likely if air temperature and dewpoint temperature are respectively:
- -10 and -20 deg C
- +20 and 0 deg C
- +12 and +10 deg C
- +36 and +17 deg C
Carburettor ice is most likely:
- At higher throttle openings
- At medium throttle openings
- At small throttle openings
- At full throttle openings
When approaching to land which visibility is most important to a pilot?
- Vertical
- Horizontal
- Slant
If flying on a hazy afternoon in Britain, in which direction will visibility be greatest?
- Looking west
- Looking north
- Looking east
If warm moist air flows off the sea onto cold land, what may form?
- Sea fog
- Advection fog
- Radiation fog
What may form on a cool cloudless night with no wind, and the very moist air in contact with the surface is cooled below dew point?
- Dew
- Radiation fog
- Mist
- Snow
What may form on a cool cloudless night with a light wind, and the very moist air in contact with the surface is cooled below dew point?
- Dew
- Radiation fog
- Mist
- Snow
Mist is said to exist if:
- The visibility is less than 1km
- The visibility is between 2 and 3 km
- The visibility is between 1 and 2 km
- The visibility is between 5 and 8 km
Fog that forms from the interaction of two airmasses is called:
- Advection fog
- Frontal fog
- Radiation fog
For smog to form:
- An inversion is normally required
- A low pressure system is required
- High temperatures are required
- Freezing temeperatures are required
A tropical maritime airstream will produce:
- Stable conditions with layer cloud
- Violent showers
- A high ELR
- A low ELR
A polar maritime airstream will produce:
- Stable conditions with layer cloud
- Violent showers
- A high ELR
- A low ELR
A polar continental airstream:
- Will have a high ELR
- Will have a low ELR
- Will produce stratus cloud
In the summer a polar continental airstream will produce:
- Hot and hazy weather
- Coll weather with stratus clouds
- Cool weather with clear skies
The typical slope of a cold front is:
- 1 in 10
- 1 in 50
- 1 in 150
- 1 in 1000
The minimum visibility for CAVOK is:
- 10km
- 15km
- 20km
- 55km
A METAR is a weather:
- Forecast
- Report
- Warning
- Map
What does TAF stand for?
- Terrible aerodrome forecast
- Terminal aerodrome forecast
- Threat against flight
- Turbulent Air Front
Airmet information is available through:
- Post
- Radio
- Public telephone network
Volmet is available through:
- Post
- Radio
- Telephone
- Carrier pigeon
The abbreviation XXRASH means:
- Heavy rain showers
- Rain showers drying out
- Warning severe met danger of crash
- A skin rash of an erotic nature
A 4 octa cloud forecast may be indicated by the letters:
CAT stands for:
- Central aerodrome taxiway
- Cloud above takeoff
- Clear air turbulence
- Clouds after thunderstorm
The abbreviation SC stands for:
- Stratocumulus
- Shortly clearing
- Showers on the coast
- Snow clouds
Compared to the surface, the 2000 foot wind:
- Will veer and decrease in strength
- Will back and decrease in strength
- Will veer and increase in strength
- Will back and increase in strength
On average the direction of the surface wind compared to the 2000 foot wind will change by:
- 10 degrees
- 15 degrees
- 30 degrees
- 180 degrees
A wind whose direction has changed clockwise is said to have:
- Backed
- Veered
- Geostrophicated
- Kicked the bucket
If flying a long cross country with the wind from the right:
- You are flying towards a high pressure and your altimeter will under read
- You are flying parallel to the isobars and there will be no significant altimeter change
- You are flying towards a low pressure and your altimeter will over read
Which of the following sayings is correct:
- If God had meant us to fly He would have given us feathers!
- Slow rise after low foretells a stronger blow
- From high to low beware below
Horizontal transfer of heat is called:
- Convection
- Advection
- Radiation
- Conduction
The lower levels of the atmosphere are heated:
- Directly by the sun
- By advection only
- By radiation from the earth's surface
- By nuclear power stations
The hot and low density band of low pressure at the tropics is called the:
- Equatorial trough
- Cyclonic ring
- Anticyclonic band
- Stifler's Mom
Air in a high pressure system is:
- Diverging
- Converging
- Static
- Going home for the day
The atmospheric situation where temperature increases with height is called a(n):
- Occlusion
- Inversion
- Diversion
- Illusion
When climbing through an inversion a pilot may experience:
- Carburettor icing
- A slight bump
- Strong down drafts
- Sudden inverted flight
Above an inversion:
- Visibility will suddenly decrease
- The air is turbulent
- The wind direction and strength may be markedly different to that below
- Is impossible to reach because inversions always reach up into the edge of the atmosphere, to the edge of space
Flying beneath cumulus clouds you may experience:
- Strong winds
- Up drafts
- Smooth conditions
In the tropics the coriolis effect is weak and wind does not follow the isobars. To indicate wind direction on a chart, what are used?
- Isotachs
- Isoflows
- Streamlines
Lines of equal wind speed are called:
- isotachs
- streamlines
- flowbars
Virga means:
- Newly formed wisps of cloud
- Short burts of rain
- Light rain that evaporates before reaching the ground
- Hail that melts and turns into rain before reaching the ground
Roll or rotor cloud is associated with what other kind of cloud?
- Cumulus
- Lenticular wave cloud
- Castellanus
- Buzovski system
Wind gradient will be most pronounced
- At night
- During the day
- During the day when thermal activity is at a peak
- During late morning before the sun reaches its zenith
The atmosphere:
- Is deeper at the poles than the equator
- Is less deep at the poles than the equator
- Is of even depth
In the southern hemisphere wind flows around the isobars with low pressure:
- To the left
- Ahead
- To the right