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Microlight Aircraft Pictures

(Hits: 18090)
9H-UMD (20)
Thruster T600N Sprint, powered by a Jabiru 2200A 4-stroke engine. Three axis microlight with full dual controls, used for flight training. Owned by Island Microlight Club.
9H-UZZ (9)
Tecnam P92 Echo, owned by Buzz Flight Training

9H-UDJ (0)
watch this space!
9H-UEB (4)
EV97 Eurostar, owner Edgar Buttigieg. Flown by its new owner and Leon Xuereb from its previous home in Brecia, north Italy. Powerplant Rotax 912S.
9H-UMA (29)
Polaris "Skin" - weight-shift microlight aircraft owned by Alfred Pace. Powered by a two-stroke Rotax 503.
9H-UMB (6)
Polaris FIB Amphibian, owner Henry Rota.
9H-UMC (16)
Thruster T600, previously owned by the club. New owner Edgar Buttigieg. For sale - contact owner on +356 99440461.
9H-UMF (21)
Ferrari Tucano, new owner Andrew Cilia. Powerplant Limbach 4-stroke 66hp engine.
9H-UMH (10)
Skystar Kitfox Mk3, owner David Polidano
9H-UMK (35)
Fly Synthesis Storch CL, powered by a Rotax 582 "Blue-Head".
New owner Mario Buhagiar - previous owners Mark Busuttil and Leon Xuereb.

9H-UML (8)
ICP Savannah: owners Alfred Gatt and Pierre Sammut
Building the Savannah
9H-UMM (59)
ICP Savannah - built from kit by Michael Camilleri.
Powered by a 4-stroke Jabiru.

Building the Avultun
9H-UMN (12)
Skyranger: owner Kenneth Scerri, registration 9H-UMN.
Built from kit and moved to NCA facilities late 2005.

9H-UMP (23)
X-Air, bought used from the UK in 2006 by Adrian Pace. Powered by a Rotax 582 "Blue Top" two-stroke engine providing 65hp.
9H-UMQ (6)
Puma Sprint weight-shift.
Owned by Jean-Paul Grech. More information to follow soon.

9H-UMR (9)
9H-UMR X-Air built from kit as a Systems of Knowledge sixth form project by Mark Laferla jnr, Damian Agius, Andrew Fabri, Mark Rizzo and Jennifer Pullicino Orlando.
See YouTube video here.

9H-UMS (10)
Owner Carmel Ellul aka "Nenu". Fly Synthesis Storch with floats, making it the first amphibious microlight in Malta. Powered by a Rotax 912S, 100hp four stroke engine and variable prop.
9H-UMT (14)
X-Air owned by Justin Farrugia, bought in kit form.
Building the X-Air
9H-UMU (1)
Pegasus XL-S weight shift. Owned by Mark Said. Powerplant Robin 443 cc engine.
9H-UMV (7)
CFM Shadow. Bought used from the UK, powerplant two-stroke Rotax 503.
Owner Andrew "DJ" Zammit.

9H-UMY (0)
Sherwood Ortolan.

Watch this space!

Building the Ortolan
9H-UNB (5)
Mike Boyianzis's X-Air bought used from the UK in July 2009. Powerplant Rotax 582.
Other microlight photos (14)

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