In this section you can find air-to-air and aerial photography taken during some local flights around the Maltese islands, even the current aircraft fleet photos within the Island Microlight Club.

Please note well that this section is still under heavy construction so visit often to check for updates.


9H-UMD Thruster T-600N c/n: 0031-T600N-051. Landing rwy 24!



Aircraft Photography

Air-to-Air Photography

Aerial Photography

  Photo of the month
9H-UMD : Landing rwy 14 at sunset - May 10, 2003


The NEW Microlight Storage Tent, a dream that came reality, bit by bit... VIEW PHOTO

Aircraft Photography
- Current aircraft fleet which operate from Malta International Airport.

Air-to-Air Photography
- Photos taken from the Thruster T-600N 9H-UMD during a local flight in 3 formation flying.

Aerial Photography
- Airport overviews and spectacular photos of the Maltese Islands during some local flights.

Below there are four spectacular VIDEOS available for download, taken by Derek Pace Kiomall during some local flights:-

- Thruster T-600N 9H-UMD : Flight Video [Download]
- Thruster T-600N 9H-UMD : Engine run-up Video [Download]
- Ferrari Tucano SRL 9H-UME : Landing rwy 32 Video [Download]
- Ferrari Tucano SRL 9H-UME : Take-off rwy 32 Video [Download]
- Ferrari Tucano SRL 9H-UME : Midfield take-off from rwy 32 Video [Download]


Last Updated by Roberto Benetti on Saturday, August 09, 2003 - 02:00 AM.