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Top 10 images by rating
1 9H-UMC mbusu 9H-UMC 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
2 9H-UMD from 9H-UMF mbusu 9H-UMD 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
3 9H-UMD outside hangar mbusu 9H-UMD 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
4 9H-UMD with club CFI Mark Said mbusu 9H-UMD 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
5 9H-UMF at sunset mbusu 9H-UMF 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
6 9H-UMF over Gozo mbusu 9H-UMF 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
7 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
8 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
9 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (1 Vote(s))
10 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by votes
1 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 4.43 (7 Vote(s))
2 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
3 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (3 Vote(s))
4 9H-UMN mbusu 9H-UMN 4.00 (3 Vote(s))
5 ICP Savannah mbusu 9H-UML 4.33 (3 Vote(s))
6 9H-UMC mbusu 9H-UMC 3.00 (2 Vote(s))
7 9H-UMD from 9H-UMF mbusu 9H-UMD 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
8 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
9 9H-UML mbusu Building the Savannah 5.00 (2 Vote(s))
10 9H-UZZ mbusu 9H-UZZ 4.00 (2 Vote(s))
Top 10 images by hits
1 A22 Foxbat mbusu Other microlight photos 57682
2 G-INGE mbusu Other microlight photos 23772
3 Bingo amfibio mbusu Other microlight photos 18500
4 HPIM0371 mbusu Other microlight photos 10197
5 Unknown pilotair Other microlight photos 9033
6 US Aircraft carrier John F Kennedy mbusu Aerial Photography 8508
7 Unknown pilotair Other microlight photos 6601
8 Thruster T600T mbusu Other microlight photos 6088
9 X-Air ideas! mbusu Other microlight photos 4669
10 9H-UMK mbusu 9H-UMK 4647
Top 10 images by downloads
1 Blue Lagoon mbusu Aerial Photography 8
2 US Aircraft carrier John F Kennedy mbusu Aerial Photography 7
3 Valletta pilotair Aerial Photography 7
4 9H-UMD after training flight mbusu 9H-UMD 6
5 Valletta mbusu Aerial Photography 6
6 JFK front view mbusu Aerial Photography 5
7 Paola, Fgura, Tarxien mbusu Aerial Photography 5
8 USS JFK mbusu Aerial Photography 5
9 Valletta mbusu Aerial Photography 5
10 Satellite photograph of the Maltese archipelago mbusu Miscellaneous 4