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AOPA - Malta
Malta Department of Civil Aviation (DCA)
Malta Aviation Museum
Malta Aviation Society

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Malta International Airshow
Flightline Malta
A|rborne's Site
Malta International Airport
Air Malta
International Air Rally of Malta
Malta Model Aircraft Flying Association
Armed Forces of Malta
Microlight Pages
Mark Stephenson's Aviation Website
Carmel Attard's Military Scale Models
Attard's Military Collection
Air Traffic Navaids Radar Engineering Association of Malta
Tribute to Stefan Ferriggi (Private Pilot), RIP 19 February 2000
Capt Robin Zammit Aviation Postcards
Gozo Aviation (Ivan Xuereb)
Whiz Wheel (Don Cassar)
Jet Line Virtual Aviation - IVAO Malta Div
Jetfighters (Stephen Galea)
Cyril's Web Page
Estelle Calleja's Photographic Aviation Web Page
Ian Micallef ZiCkLeR's Aerial Photos of Malta
Aviation Art & Technical Illustrations by Richard J Caruana
Custom Aerial Photos
More Maltese Aviation Links on Search Malta
 Local weather links:  
 4 Search Malta Weather Report  
 4 Malta International Airport weather forecast  
4 British Microlight Aircraft Association (BMAA)
4 National Private Pilot's Association
4 European Aviation Safety Agency
4 European Microlight Federation
4 Microlight Hangar - the no.1 UK and Ireland microlight portal!
 Microlight Manufacturers and Suppliers
X-Air - Manufacturers of the X-Air Flyer
Thruster Aircraft UK - Manufacturers of the Thurster range of 3-axis microlights
Mainair Air - Manufacturers of the Blade Microlight
Pegasus Aviation - Manufacturers of the Pegasus Quantum trike
Air Creation, France - French Trike manufacturers
Lyndhurst Touchdown Services - Agents for the Dyn Aero, one of the most advanced kit aircraft in the world
Skydrive Ltd - UK distributor for Rotax aircraft engines
Swallow Aviation - Flight Training School & Aircraft Share Company
Aerial Pursuits (Australia) - A page for Light Sports Aviation, Ultralight, Microlight and hang-glider enthusiasts.
Aerolite-103 - Manufacturer of the award winning Aerolite 103XL
AirBorne Australia - Manufacturer of a range of sport microlights and trikes.
Arrowquest Aviation Canada - A flexwing ultralight commonly referred to as trikes.
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH - German manufacturer of the FK-series lightplanes
Cosmos France - Manufacturer of a range of trikes, microlights, paramotors, and ultralight aircrafts, parts and accessories
Flightstar Sportplanes - About the planes, company and staff, and a list of dealers + photo gallery
Fly Air Co. - Specifications and photos of the lightweight monotrike, propeller and spare parts.
Hungarian Trikes - Provides technical data of the trike and wing
Joplin Light Aircraft - Home to the rugged, three-axis light airplane, Tundra and 1/2 Tun.
Leonard Millholland - Builds the Legal Eagle with a modified VW engine

 Flying Around the World
United States Ultralight Association
Ultralight Pilot's Association of Canada
Australian Ultralight Federation
Recreational Aircraft Association of New Zealand (RAANZ)
Light Aircraft Flyers Association (Florida, USA)
Microlight Aviation in South Africa
Vintage Ultralight & Lightplane Association
North Okanagan Ultralight Association
Midwest Ultralight Association
Ventura County Ulatrlight Association Society
National Microlight Association of Ireland
Experimental Aircraft Association of Malaysia
Aviazone Leggera Online
Durham Microlights
Northumbrian Microlights
Flycom Avionics
Personal Flight Inc
Microlight Sport Aviation Ltd
Alaska Trike Flying
Microlight Scotland
Over Everest - OBJECTIVE: To tow a hang-glider with a microlight to 30,000ft over Everest in May 2004!
FFPLUM: F�d�ration Fran�aise de Planeur Ultra-l�ger Motrise
AEPUL: Asociaci�n Espa�ola de Pilotos de Ultraligeros
F�d�ration Belge d'Aviation Micro-l�g�re. Belgische Micro Luchtvaart Federatie.
Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging  voor Luchtvaart
Fedrazione Italiana volo ultraleggero
DULV: Deutscher Ultraleichtflugverband e.V.
Teckair: Produce and sell Australian ultralight aircraft and travel documentaries
Microlight Wales - a microlight school in South Wales
Northampton Microlight Club
Fly Northern Ireland - Trike aviation in Norway
Flying The Fish - an adventure documentary about flying from Cape Town to the Fish River Canyon in Namibia
ULM Air Reunion - microlight club on Reunion Island