British Microlight Aircraft
Association (BMAA) |
National Private Pilot's Association |
European Aviation Safety Agency |
European Microlight Federation |
Microlight Hangar -
the no.1 UK and Ireland microlight
portal! |
Microlight Manufacturers and
Suppliers |
X-Air -
Manufacturers of the X-Air Flyer |
Thruster Aircraft UK
- Manufacturers of the Thurster range of 3-axis
microlights |
Mainair Air
Manufacturers of the Blade Microlight |
Pegasus Aviation
- Manufacturers of the Pegasus Quantum trike |
Air Creation, France
- French Trike manufacturers |
Lyndhurst Touchdown Services
Agents for the Dyn Aero, one of the most advanced kit aircraft in the world |
Skydrive Ltd -
UK distributor for Rotax aircraft engines |
Swallow Aviation -
Flight Training School & Aircraft Share Company |
Aerial Pursuits (Australia) -
A page for Light Sports Aviation, Ultralight, Microlight and hang-glider
enthusiasts. |
Aerolite-103 -
Manufacturer of the award winning Aerolite 103XL |
AirBorne Australia -
Manufacturer of a range of sport microlights and trikes. |
Arrowquest Aviation Canada -
A flexwing ultralight commonly referred to as trikes. |
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH -
manufacturer of the FK-series lightplanes |
Cosmos France -
Manufacturer of a range of trikes, microlights, paramotors, and ultralight
aircrafts, parts and accessories |
Flightstar Sportplanes -
About the planes, company and staff, and a list of dealers + photo gallery |
Fly Air Co. -
Specifications and photos
of the lightweight monotrike, propeller and spare parts. |
Hungarian Trikes -
Provides technical data
of the trike and wing |
Joplin Light Aircraft -
Home to the rugged,
three-axis light airplane, Tundra and 1/2 Tun. |
Leonard Millholland -
Builds the Legal Eagle
with a modified VW engine |
Flying Around the World
United States Ultralight Association |
Ultralight Pilot's Association of Canada |
Australian Ultralight Federation |
Recreational Aircraft Association of New
Zealand (RAANZ) |
Light Aircraft Flyers Association
(Florida, USA) |
Microlight Aviation in South Africa |
Vintage Ultralight & Lightplane Association |
North Okanagan Ultralight Association |
Midwest Ultralight Association |
Ventura County Ulatrlight Association
Society |
National Microlight Association of
Ireland |
Experimental Aircraft Association of
Malaysia |
Aviazone Leggera Online |
Durham Microlights |
Northumbrian Microlights |
Flycom Avionics |
Personal Flight Inc |
Microlight Sport Aviation Ltd |
Alaska Trike Flying |
Microlight Scotland |
Over Everest -
hang-glider with a microlight to 30,000ft over Everest in May 2004! |
FFPLUM: F�d�ration Fran�aise de Planeur
Ultra-l�ger Motrise
Asociaci�n Espa�ola de Pilotos de Ultraligeros |
Belge d'Aviation Micro-l�g�re. Belgische Micro Luchtvaart Federatie. |
Koninklijke Nederlandse Vereniging voor Luchtvaart |
Fedrazione Italiana volo ultraleggero
DULV: Deutscher Ultraleichtflugverband e.V.
Teckair: Produce and sell Australian
ultralight aircraft and travel documentaries |
Microlight Wales
- a microlight school in South Wales |
Northampton Microlight Club |
Fly Northern Ireland |
NorTrike.net - Trike aviation in Norway |
Flying The Fish - an adventure documentary about flying from Cape Town to the Fish River Canyon in Namibia |
ULM Air Reunion -
microlight club on Reunion Island |