Hello my name is Jean Carl
Abdilla from Tarxien and was born on the 21st April 1983. I attended the
Paola Primary School then went on to the Mount Carmel College, St Venera
(now St Elias College). Afterwards I completed Sixth Form at the Juniour
College, Msida where I obtained my A Levels. I am now following a 4 year
Diploma course in Industrial Electronics at the Electronics Engineering
Department at MCAST, Poala. Since I was a child I was always fascinated by any flying machines and this led me to be interested in aviation. My greatest dream was that one day I would fly!! This dream was turned into reality when as a young Scout I was introduced to the world of Microlights. I actually experienced my first flight in the Thruster T600N. This encouraged me to pursue my dream and be part of the Island Microlight Club. Thanks to the founders of the club I am now doing the NPPL rated for Microlights. I started in January 2003 and currently doing the flight training part which I find most satisfying and challenging. (17 June 2003) |