Welcome to the new Island Microlight Club website!

After toiling away at my keyboard hours and hours and hours - it's finally here! First I'd like to thank Adrian Romano for setting up the original website and for registering our domain name. He laid all the original ground work, with much of this site's current content obtained from the work he painstakingly did. While this site is meant to be a living thing, growing and changing constantly, the work would have been much harder without Adrian.

Roberto Benetti is responsible for many of the excellent photographs on this site, although there are pictures from other photographers. He is also responsible for our fledgling Gallery, which we plan on increasing in size drastically. All in good time. Without Adrian and Roberto, this site would probably look like some bland communistic-era industrial wasteland, void of character, colour, or fun. Read more about these characters and more, by going through the Club Members section

After going through the site and understanding what Island Microlight Club is all about, we'd really appreciate it if you could sign our Guestbook, leaving your comments there. Take a look at our Forum as well, and feel free to vent out any opinions, or whatever you might feel like saying.

Well, that's all for now, and to quote our great Alex Dalli: "Microlights for Ever!!!"

Mark Busuttil


18th June 2003