Island Microlight Club Downloads :: Microsoft Flight Simulator :: MS Flight Sim 2002/4 microlights ::
Description:FS2002 Savannah ICP MXP740 ultralight, with Rotax 912 80 hp engine. Belongs to Serres Aero Club. The Savannah owes its success to its great dependability and ease of piloting. Its S.T.O.L. performances make it easy to operate from any airfield. In addition, the Savannah is a very good airplane for cross-country flights during which one can appreciate its great stability. Model by Massimo Taccoli. Panel, sound, texture and .air file by Maximos Sevastopoulos.
Creator:Massimo Taccoli / Maximos Sevastopoulos
Date Added:1:15 PM 2/1/04
Last Download:1:43 PM 4/10/05
Rating:6.5/10 (2 votes)
File size:2993Kb
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