Neville Cassar
posted: 29.11.2004 13:59
well done, goo site
Graeme Moseley
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 19.11.2004 09:28
Excellant site. One of the best I have seen. Would love to come and fly in Malta. Hope to come over next year. What is required to be able to fly in malta. I have my microlight licence and actually own a Thruster T600N Sprint.
Jorge Pensualev
Location: Nicaragua
posted: 17.11.2004 10:40
I very much enjoy your web site. Very good job and very good photographs!
Location: Nigeria
posted: 04.11.2004 08:24
Iam a student pilot,please contact me and I will continue my pilot training in Malta very soon.thanks from Victor.
Location: Belgium
posted: 03.11.2004 12:13
Nice website. I'm an avid trike flyer and have to pass my last practical tests next friday to get my full license. I will be in Malta from 19 till 22 November but don't know if I will have time to meet someone at the airfield but I have your tel nrs. You never know. Surely want to fly over the Islands one day. Best regards, Joel (Flying an Air Creation GTE 582 with Fun 450 wing)
Trev Jackson
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 28.10.2004 08:21
Great website, I am an AFI and Chairman of the Bristol Microlight Club. Just completed building a Skyranger 912 (G-CCSX) and am loving every minute of flying it. Would very much like to come over to Malta and fly with your club.
Jim Stanford
Location: United States
posted: 27.10.2004 16:49
Awesome dudes.... used to fly trikes in washington area a few years ago. Love the site, love the pics, love the videos.
Joseph (JJ)
Location: Malta
posted: 27.10.2004 16:47
Very Nice Site... Prosit Buzu
Prosit lil Mark u Marisa ukoll
Richard Pobke
Location: Australia
posted: 19.10.2004 05:18
I found site intersting and would like to visit your club some day.
Paolo Miledo
Location: Portugal
posted: 17.10.2004 16:04
very nice web site I like very much your photography and videos as well. Perhaps my friends at flying club come to Malta one day in the future
Andy Milonakis
Location: United States
posted: 03.10.2004 11:35
I'm scared of flying without swallowing a bunch of pills. Does that make me weird or AWESOME?
Thomas M�ller-Tr�ster
Location: Austria
posted: 22.09.2004 07:12
I just found Simon's Ferrari Tucano for the Microsoft flight simulator 2002 and 2004 in the internet in sections aircraft FS2002. I downloaded it at once but not yet testet it. I had a trial-flight together with Simon in July. I'm looking forward beeing back in so much loved Malta very soon (end of October, beginning November). I will phone you, maybe there is still good weather for flying. See you - Thomas
Damias Struber
posted: 17.09.2004 05:49
Congratulations for your webpage. Spanish Courses in Salamanca
Rene Zeegart
posted: 26.08.2004 10:30
Hello fellow microlighters above the equator! Love your site. Hope to visit one day.
Jacob Lund
Location: Denmark
posted: 15.08.2004 17:25
Hi, down there
Nice, visiting your website, good design and very informativ.
Should your way ever pass Denmark, you are allways welcome to visit our club on EKHV, 30 NM north of the german border.
Jacob Lund
Location: Norway
posted: 07.08.2004 13:35
Nice website, lot's of usefull info, best regards from a "soon to come microlight pilot"
Keep up the good work!
Location: Malta
posted: 19.07.2004 04:20
Really good website, great picture and video gallery,and great info for flight enthusiasts in Malta. Keep up the good work, special congrats to Mark Buzu
Santillo Edward
Location: Malta
posted: 16.07.2004 11:23
prosit hafna hbib godda tieghi, nispera li kors ikun success ghalija biex ikun nista ntir , ovja, imma aktar biex inkun parti minnkom.. Grazzi hafna ukoll lilek Alex D.
Thomas M�ller-Tr�ster
Location: Austria
posted: 13.07.2004 07:35
Grazzi hafna to Simon, Alex and Marc for organising my trial-flight on Saturday 10 July with Simon and his Tucano. It's always great fun flying over wonderful Malta with your microlights. Hopefully I will be back in Malta at the end of October oder early November this year and hopefully the weather will be good for a next microlight-flight with you. Many happy landings Thomas from Vienna, Austria
Morten Ovenstad
Location: Norway
posted: 06.07.2004 19:58
nice homesite all the best to all ul flyers in malta
Daniel Briffa
Location: Malta
posted: 30.06.2004 02:19
very enjoyable and interesting site, keep it up! i am looking forward to give the thruster a test. i have got 30 mins of flight time; being pilot in command;and obtained them on Tecnam P-92J 9H-ADU from Falcon Alliance. keep up the good work.
Jack Borland
Location: United States
posted: 28.06.2004 08:26
Great website you guys have - I stumbled across it when a friend in the Navy sent me a link with a photo you have of JFK taken from one of your trikes. I served on the JFK in the early 80's, it was a great experience. I am now retired from the Navy and in the insurance business.
For Gallantry Webmaster
Location: Italy
posted: 22.06.2004 13:28
Prosit for the wonderful Website.
Keep up the good work!
Simon Grech
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 20.06.2004 16:31
Nice work with the website, My cousin knows David Pollidano, nice plane he's got. Must be mor fun flying a tailgragger more challanging
Location: Togo
posted: 09.06.2004 08:15
Thomas Mueller-Troester
Location: Austria
posted: 05.06.2004 11:02
Grazzi Hafna for the Microsoft-Flight-Simulator Thruster in your downloads. So I can enjoy your wonderful microlight also at home in Vienna. Unfortunately till now there is no photoreal scenery of Malta for the MSFS 2002 - only Luqa Airport - to enjoy your wonderful Island in front of my PC here in Vienna. I'm looking forward beeing back in Malta very soon on 20 June. I will call you for a Trial-Flight with the Thruster. All the best to you Thomas from Vienna
Joe Borg
Location: Malta
posted: 04.06.2004 09:10
Congrats on the website. Reaaly cool and interesting!!!
Keep up the good work. Joe
Location: Malta
posted: 27.05.2004 14:23
amazing stuff buzu!! impressive work from you. il videos sbieh wisq u zgur li jhajjru xeba nies jippruvaw dan l-isport. (tajjeb kien tal video li kont ha taqla hahaa) keep it up. And i'm really interested in attending a test flight and maybe starting too!
Adrian Callus
Location: Malta
posted: 20.05.2004 07:48
What a great website! I gathered much information from the education area and will be speaking to you soon for arrangemnts for lessons. Thank you!
Fro Gallantry Webmaster
Location: Italy
posted: 02.05.2004 09:53
Prosit! The aerial pics are very impressive, depicting how wonderful Malta is.
Best wishes from an Italian friend.
Ryan Saliba
Location: Malta
posted: 31.03.2004 13:57
A very good site.I love aeroplanes and my uncle (Simon Borg) is a member and has a Ferrari Tucano (9H-UMF).I wish sometimes i would go flying with him.i am 11 yrs old and those children who like planes are more than welcome to e-mail me on ********************
posted: 30.03.2004 12:43
Hi. Nice site guys and some interesting downloads, especially the Blade 582 model. Please would someone e-mail me some fool-proof instructions about how to install it in FS2002 though - it's beyond me completely!
Con Mac Parthalain
Location: Ireland
posted: 10.03.2004 04:27
Dia diobh o �ire Ta an site go hAlainn go n-�iri libh leis. who is best to e-mail?
Mike A.H. Milne
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 07.03.2004 05:00
Greetings from the Grampian Microlight Flying Club of Insch Aberdeenshire, Scotland. Liked your website a lot. Great downloads. Keep up the good work and safe flying.
Sabrina Hanna
Location: Bahamas
posted: 03.03.2004 10:50
Well done!! This is such an extraordinary accomplishment. I hope to visit Malta someday and hopefully I'll get the bird's eye view. Continue to fly high and be safe!!
Anthony Ellul
Location: Malta
posted: 01.03.2004 07:55
Prosit hafna tal-web site, vera bis-sens.
Keep it up guys and girls!
Uladzimir Zaprudnik
Location: Belarus
posted: 10.02.2004 12:49
very lovely web site; I was Soviet pilot untill March in 1982 flying Sukhoi #17 but I had taxi accident on runway and now in wheelchair. no more for me! Fly as much as you can and alwys be very safety, allways important, pilot knows best but be respectfully allways.
Antonio Garcia
Location: Brazil
posted: 09.02.2004 02:10
What a beautiful web site! I am an ultralight pilot from Brazil and I enjoy flying my Streak Shadow, recently I embarked on a solo flying journey covering much of the Amazon over treacherous jungle with no civilization, it took me 6 days.
Trabalho feito bem!!!
Thor Emilsson
Location: Iceland
posted: 08.02.2004 17:04
Very nice Web-site you have. I saw it when browsing . I am a member in an UL-club in Iceland named "Sl�ttan" . I envy you of the weather you guys have down there these days, we were trying to fly to day but there was to much snow on the runways for the plains to taxi or takaoff. So we dream off early spring.
Yves Sant
Location: Belgium
posted: 06.02.2004 11:05
indeed an extermly beutiful website to make much proud the ultralight community of europe! I never see such good web site of ultralights, perhaps you are indeed very detailed in your activities with love for the sport. I visit web site perhaps one weekly always and everytime new additions. The website is very good investment for popular ultralights. I come to malta at the summer and will contacting you before arrival to organise flight if ok.
Daniel Logan
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 06.02.2004 04:44
Amazing site, easily one of the top miccrolight websites on the internet at the moment!!!
Every time is visit the site i find something new and that makes me want to come back on a regular basis. Keep up the good work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Graham Wiley
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 03.02.2004 11:45
Spledid site! After seeing this I have decided to take my summer holidays in Malta this year. I fly a Blade 582 from Otherton, England. (Hagars Place). All I have to do now is get my wife and kids to agree to the idea. I am sure they will once they have seen some pictures of beaches and hotels. If all goes well I will pop along to your club one of the days, if thats ok. Probably in August. Whats the weather like for flying that time of year?
Jacob Pitt
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 01.02.2004 07:41
What an amazing web site, one of the best microlight sites I have ever seen! :S)
I really like the way the gallery has been redone, much better than the old one! Soon I'll be uploading a couple of pictures of my X-Air there.
Olivier Aubert
Location: Switzerland
posted: 29.01.2004 18:01
Very Sexy Site ! Wish you a great great 2004 flying year !
Missed Malta while flying from Tunis to Palermo in 1998 with my trike, but will not next time...
Keep High !
Stewart Meehan
Location: United Kingdom
posted: 28.12.2003 09:51
Another excellent update to your website. I recommend returning to this site regularly-there's so often something new to see, and now to study as the Education section expands.
To others who are at this site for the first time, I would fully recommend a personal visit to the microlight club in Malta. I did a weeks course in early December 2003 and was very impressed - and had a very enjoyable time. The instructors are thorough and professional and totally committed to quality training. The UK microlight sylabus is used and all the groundschool exams can be taken at the club. The atmosphere is welcoming and the club members were all happy to let us join in their activities at groundschool and at the airport. Well worth a visit, whether you are a novice or an experienced pilot wanting to further develop your skills. And flying from the same 3 mile long runway as the 737s and Antonovs is an experience you won't get in the UK!
Location: Malta
posted: 21.12.2003 16:49
Well Done Mark & Alex!!! Nice web site!!! Good Luck!!!
Location: Malta
posted: 16.12.2003 22:57
Wow this looks like real fun! I will have to try it out. Your site is great, informative and promotes the sport well.
Location: Italy
posted: 04.12.2003 04:51
I'm an italian ultralight pilot, i live and flight in Sardina (another wonderful island). This is great and very intelligent site.Congratulations Alessandro
Thomas Mueller-Troester
Location: Austria
posted: 17.11.2003 09:39
I did it again! After my long 4 week holiday in September in Malta with a brilliant microlight-flight together with Alex and Marc I came back to Malta for 1 week in November. Just arrived I phoned the Island-Microlight-club and booked a flight again. And believe me, I will do it all time when I am in Malta! Thanks a lot to Alex an Marc for the great time in the air over this wonderful island. Thomas from Vienna
Tom McDowell
posted: 17.11.2003 08:50
One of the nicest, most interesting sites I've seen. Great job. Tom McDowell from the East Coast of the USA. Jersey Devils U/L Club.USUA#177
Give us a call once in Malta.