Island Microlight Club
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 on: June 18, 2014, 08:24:18 AM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
Dear All,
In accordance with Article 81 (6)(a) of the Air Navigation Order (ANO), the Director General for Civil Aviation is the designated authority to put in place a mechanism to collect, evaluate, process and store occurrence data. Furthermore, in accordance with Article 81 (6)(b) of the ANO, occurrences reported in accordance with Article 81 (1) of the ANO, as well as reports of accidents and serious incidents, are stored in a database compatible with software developed for the purpose by the European Commission. (ECCAIRS)
The CAD, has already set up a functional occurrence reporting system through which occurrence reports sent to the directorate are managed. However, as with all other systems, there is always room for improvement.
In its effort to achieve continuous improvement, the Safety Management Unit (SMU) has highlighted a number of areas which can be developed and improved further and every effort is being done to amend the current occurrence reporting system and develop a more efficient and effective one. Confidentiality is essential to any successful occurrence reporting system and this is something taken very seriously by all at the CAD, starting with senior management. In this regard, one of the first changes to be implemented is being done to safeguard the reporter�s identity and to ensure that confidentiality is maintained at all times.
In this regard, all occurrence reports shall now be directed to only one person within the CAD, this person being known as the Gate Keeper. The Safety Officer forming part of the Safety Management Unit is the person to whom all reports shall now be sent. A dedicated email address with restricted access has also been created to ensure that all occurrence reports are collected and stored in only one location.
Therefore, from now on, kindly forward all occurrence reports to, disregarding any other email address to which occurrence reports were sent to in the past. The gate keeper shall maintain full confidentiality of the system and shall de-identify reports when follow-up is required.
Channeling all occurrence reports to one person within the CAD ensures that:
a)      All reports are received

b)      Reporter confidentiality is maintained

c)       Only the appropriate person within the CAD shall be notified of report

d)      Reports shall be de-identified and such confidential information shall only be maintained by the gate keeper

e)      No names, addresses or contact data shall be inputted into the ECCAIRS database

The above is evidence of the CAD�s commitment in developing an effective occurrence reporting system through which reports shall be managed. The ultimate goal of the CAD is to be able to measure the level of safety within the State. This can only be achieved through receipt of occurrence reports. In this regard, we look forward to everyone�s full and complete cooperation and believe that together we can make this initiative a success.


Nigel J. Dunkerley
Flight Inspector � General Aviation

Transport Malta
Civil Aviation Directorate
Luqa Airport
Luqa, LQA 3000
Tel:          (356) 2555 5625
Fax:         (356) 2167 3526

 on: January 17, 2014, 01:10:05 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
Pilot Operating Handbook for Ikarus C42 series

Reference: POH C42 Series Issue-2

 on: May 15, 2013, 08:26:17 AM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
The latest issue of the Jabiru Over Manual for 2200 and 3300 engines (April 2013)  is now available on the Jabiru Australia website.     

 on: June 18, 2012, 01:44:18 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu

The original genuine home of the Xenon(s) gyroplanes!

 on: April 27, 2012, 08:47:17 AM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
New VFR reporting points - Google Earth file attached.

 on: March 15, 2012, 12:11:14 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu

CHIRP for Aviation = Confidential Human Factors Incident Reporting Programme
CHIRP for Maritime = Confidential Hazardous Incident Reporting Programme

The aim of CHIRP is to contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety in the UK and maritime safety worldwide, by providing a totally independent confidential (not anonymous) reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with these industries.

CHIRP has been in operation for aviation since 1982. In 1996 the Programme was restructured in the form of a charitable company limited by guarantee to enable it to make a more effective contribution to the resolution of important safety-related issues. This corporate structure was selected in order to provide a totally independent organisation, with management and fiscal responsibilities held by an Independent Board of Trustees. The maritime programme has been operating since July 2003.

CHIRP welcomes safety-related reports from flight crew, air traffic control officers, licensed aircraft maintenance engineers, cabin crew and the General Aviation community and people in the international maritime sector, including the shipping industry, fishing industry and leisure users.

Reporters' identities are kept confidential. Personal details are not retained and are returned to the reporter or destroyed on closure of their report. The information provided is made available, with the approval of the reporter, and in a disidentified form to those who can take action to remedy the problem. Important information gained through reports, after being disidentified, is also made as widely as possible, principally through the publications Air Transport FEEDBACK, General Aviation FEEDBACK, Cabin Crew FEEDBACK and Maritime FEEDBACK with the aim of improving safety. standards.

The CHIRP aviation programme complements the Civil Aviation Authority Mandatory Occurrence Reporting scheme. Both aviation and maritime programmes also complement other formal reporting systems operated by many UK organisations, by providing a means by which individuals are able to raise issues of concern without being identified to their peer group, management, or the Regulatory Authority. Anonymous reports are not normally acted upon as they cannot be validated.

 on: March 05, 2012, 12:07:33 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu

 on: February 20, 2012, 04:21:35 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
Attached diagram of frequencies available on Malta AIP. Correct as of 20 Feb 2012 - always check official sources.

 on: December 05, 2011, 12:08:42 PM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu

 on: June 24, 2011, 10:46:40 AM 
Started by mbusu - Last post by mbusu
See main website for more information about the club

We are pleased to announce this year's Air Cadet Course designed for 12 to 16 year olds who are interested in a career in aviation, or just have aviation in general as a hobby.

It will be held from the 9th to the 27th July 2011 on Saturday mornings, and there is a donation of �300 to the club for this course. See full description below for more information. Email us on for more information or phone Adrian Pace (club secretary) on 99473966. Limited spaces available!

9th July, 2011  -  27th August, 2011


Saturday � 09/07/2011 � 0900 hrs to 1030 hrs
Course Introduction to Parents and Students
A course overview will be given outlining the subjects which will be tackled throughout this course.  Details will be given with regards to the days and times of the course, uniform and how this course will be of benefit to the students in the near future.

Saturday � 16/07/2011
0830 hrs to 1000 hrs
Introduction to Microlights, and aircrafts in general

1000 hrs to 1030 hrs

1030 hrs to 1200 hrs
Principles of Flight � Part 1

Saturday � 23/07/2011
0830 hrs to 1000 hrs
Principles of Flight � Part 2

1000 hrs to 1030 hrs

1030 hrs to 1200 hrs
Engines and Airframes

Saturday � 30/07/2011
0830 hrs to 1000 hrs

1000 hrs to 1400 hrs
Malta Aviation Museum Ta� Qali

Saturday � 06/08/2011
0830 hrs to 1000 hrs

1000 hrs to 1030 hrs

1030 hrs till 1200 hrs

Saturday � 13/08/2011
0830 hrs to 1000 hrs
Human Performance

1000 hrs till 1300 hrs
Visit to AFM Airwings hangar & MATS (Tower Control)

Saturday � 20/08/2011
0830 hrs till 1000 hrs
Talk by Major Mark Said on military aircraft and what is needed to enrol as a pilot with the AFM and the requirements to become an air traffic controller.  The talk will focus on what type of educational background is required by airlines to become a commercial pilot, what type of pilot ratings and licences needed to hold an ATPL.

1000 hrs till 1030 hrs

1030 hrs till 1200 hrs
Talk by Antoine Xuereb about the technical knowhow of aviation.  The discussion will focus and highlight the opportunities available in Malta to work on aircrafts and what type of technical aviation courses are presently held at MCAST and about job opportunities in this sector.

Saturday 27/08/2011
0830 hrs till 1030 hrs
The pilots will meet the students at Gate 4 of Malta Internathttps://irport ( and will then be briefed at the IMC hangar about the 30 minute flight which every student will be taking.   This is the most exciting part of the whole course!  After the flight, the students will attend a half hour debriefing where a short quiz will take place between the students and the course organisers.

1030 hrs till 1200 hrs
Preparing the club house for the certificates presentation and party in the evening.  The students will give a helping hand to prepare the clubhouse for the ceremony in the evening, where they will be presented with the wings and a certificate of attendance.

1830 hrs � 2130 hrs
Presentation of the wings and certificate of attendance to the students by Parliamentary Secretary Hon. Clyde Puli.  This will be followed by a party where all IMC members, students and parents will be invited to attend.

Download application form below:

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