Air Law for Microlight
Pilots - Geoff Weighell
Air Law for Microlight Pilots is
the first book to deal specifically with Air Law as it relates
to pilots of microlights, gliders, balloons, paramotors,
gyrocopters and other �sport aviation� pilots. Designed to
enable to user to pass the relevant UK Private Pilot Licence (PPL)
or National Private Pilot Licence (NPPL) air law examination, it
will be equally invaluable for the qualified pilot seeking to
update his or her knowledge of aviation law, flight rules and
procedures. This book sets out to detail those parts of Aviation
Law which are relevant to sports aviation (recreational) pilots,
focusing in particular on microlight pilots where powered
aircraft are concerned, explaining the detail of the subject in
a commonsense way designed to help the reader learn.
Comprehensive, readable and illustrated throughout (including a
full colour section), this book will become the standard
reference for sports aviation law. It also includes
comprehensive progress and revision questions and answers to
help the reader consolidate his or her knowledge. |